Sunday, March 11, 2012

No I'm Not A Singer....

.... but I sing Whitney Houston.

The Greatest Love of All, All At Once, Run To You, Dance With Somebody, I Will Always Love You... Who, in my generation, wouldn't know these songs? And who among all the greatest and aspiring singers in the country wouldn't know Whitney Houston? I grew up listening to these songs in singing contests, or in programs in school, or in the classroom where my friend, Natasha would always be asked for an intermission number. I would always wish I could sing these songs in public; or I'd wish I could sing, period. Unfortunately, not all wishes come true. :| 

I was in Grade five, and I vividly remember sitting on the stairs beside the stage while rehearsing for a play. My classmate was also rehearsing for an intermission number, and she sang The Greatest Love of All. For some reasons, the song seemed to be so magical that I kept on singing it in my mind that day, and I was able to memorize the lyrics just by listening to my classmate for one day. And after that, I would sing it at home, trying to perfect the entire song, reaching all notes, and embracing and feeling all the emotion of every single word of the song. I loved the first lines and I might be very young that time but I also believed that the children are our future.. :)

Then there were Run To You, All At Once, Didn't We Almost Have It All, When You Believe .. and a long list of songs I would sing in the bathroom, or in my mind, or in the karaoke. All these inspired me to sing (my wish still hasn't come true though). But more than being inspired to sing, I have always been inspired and touched by the message of her songs.

It's been more than a month since Whitney passed away. There have been a lot of speculations about her death, and a lot of negative publicity as well. People talked about her misfortunes, her addiction to drugs, her mishaps, her flopped concerts, among others. But more than all these negative things, people, I guess of all walks of life, remembered her for her songs, her soulful singing, her inspiration to all aspiring singers, and her contribution to the music industry. She had touched the lives not just of the singers, but also those like me, who might never be able to reach the right notes, but will still sing my heart out with all her songs. 

And I................................................................. will always love you, Whitney. :))

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