Friday, August 3, 2012

Comm for De.... what?

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So we want to be involved. Fine. Actually, we HAVE to be involved. After all, this development thing is for US. So who else should work for it, right? But here's the thing. How many of us actually gets involved with a total knowledge, understanding and awareness of what we are getting involved in? Of what all these are for? Of what we are doing?

Just like the text on the picture, where some parents would want to get involved in the development, and, well, life of their children (of course!), yet, sometimes they don't really understand what they are doing (Oooops! Sorry parents!), community participants in C4D sometimes don't understand what all these are for, and what all these are. Why? Because we Filipinos are fond of this so called mob mentality. Yeah, I may sound too negative, but I just wanna point this one out. We go with where the majority goes. We want what the majority wants. Even if we don't like it, even if we don't understand it. Just look at the rallies and protests happening around. You'll see kids holding placards of protests, which they can't even read. (Well, yeah, they are most probably paid protesters, like claques, but still, the point is, they don't understand what they are in to) You'll see people tweeting R.I.P. Rowan Atkinson just because it's 'trending'. And so on..

Communication for development requires community involvement - it requires people who are directly affected to be part of the problem solving. More than just going with where everyone else goes, it requires these people to understand their situation, look for possible solutions to their problems, have a voice to speak them out, and collaborate with others to be able to help the entire community. Sadly, there are still some people who just say yes to what the majority says yes to. OR they just follow what the higher authorities say. THIS SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE. The people involved should have a total understanding of their situation and the things they can do to change it. Involvement requires individual and collaborative decisions. If not, then C4D would be pointless.

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